Need a little elbow room? We all do. Make it your space.

Need a little elbow room? We all do. Make it your space.

Need to find some peace of mind? - elbow room as a meditation or yoga space

Need to find some peace of mind? - elbow room as a meditation or yoga space

elbow room yoga space
elbow room art space


Got Space?

Maybe you are looking for a little bit more work/life balance. An external office space can separate that "need to work" feeling from the home, and put it where it belongs - at work.

I have spent many hours designing efficient spaces for clients, my own spaces, and even my wife's art studio.

 Reasons you probably need an outbuilding:

"I need an Art or Design Studio where I can get into the flow zone."

"We need an office outside of the home to add balance to our life."

"I would like a Yoga/Meditation Space."

"We need a Gear Room for our bikes and boats."

"We need a 4-season Green House because we love eating fresh produce in the middle of winter!!!!"

"I want a Man Cave."

"We gotta have a She Shed."

"We need more space, but don't want to remodel our home."           

199 Square Feet. Exceeds current residential building envelope standards. No Building Permit.

Outbuilding structures are efficient, cost effective and beautiful. The coolest thing since sliced bread. An outbuilding with infinite possibilities.